Mahatma Gandhi Motivational and Inspiring Quotes - Mahatma Gandhi quotes 2015

Mahatma Gandhi Motivational and Inspiring Quotes.we share some best Mahatma Gandhi quotes

]M@h@tm@ G@ndhi Inspriting QuOtes:

 “Be the ch@nge th@t yOu wish tO see in the wOrld.”

 Alw@ys @im @t cOmplete h@rmOny Of thOught @nd wOrd @nd deed. Alw@ys @im @t purifying yOur thOughts @nd everything will be well.

 FreedOm is nOt wOrth h@ving if it dOes nOt include the freedOm tO m@ke mist@kes.

 I c@nnOt te@ch yOu viOlence, @s I dO nOt myself believe in it. I c@n Only te@ch yOu nOt tO bOw yOur he@ds befOre @ny One even @t the cOst Of yOur life.

 “Seven sOci@l sins: pOlitics withOut principles, we@lth withOut wOrk, ple@sure withOut cOnscience, knOwledge withOut ch@r@cter, cOmmerce withOut mOr@lity, science withOut hum@nity, @nd wOrship withOut s@crifice.”

 “An errOr dOes nOt becOme truth by re@sOn Of multiplied prOp@g@tiOn, nOr dOes truth becOme errOr bec@use nObOdy sees it. Truth st@nds, even if there be nO public suppOrt. It is self sust@ined.”

 “An eye fOr @n eye will Only m@ke the whOle wOrld blind.”

M@h@tm@ G@ndhi MOtiv@tiOn@l QuOtes:

 “When I desp@ir, I remember th@t @ll thrOugh histOry the w@y Of truth @nd lOve h@ve @lw@ys wOn. There h@ve been tyr@nts @nd murderers, @nd fOr @ time, they c@n seem invincible, but in the end, they @lw@ys f@ll. Think Of it–@lw@ys.”

“YOur beliefs becOme yOur thOughts, YOur thOughts becOme yOur wOrds, YOur wOrds becOme yOur @ctiOns, YOur @ctiOns becOme yOur h@bits, YOur h@bits becOme yOur v@lues, YOur v@lues becOme yOur destiny.”

 “YOu must nOt lOse f@ith in hum@nity. Hum@nity is like @n Oce@n; if @ few drOps Of the Oce@n @re dirty, the Oce@n dOes nOt becOme dirty.”

G@ndhi J@y@nti QuOtes 2015:

 “E@ch night, when I gO tO sleep, I die. And the next mOrning, when I w@ke up, I @m rebOrn.”

 “Ch@nge yOurself – yOu @re in cOntrOl.”

 “TO believe in sOmething, @nd nOt tO live it, is dishOnest.”

 “Men Often becOme wh@t they believe themselves tO be. If I believe I c@nnOt dO sOmething,it m@kes me inc@p@ble Of dOing it. When I believe I c@n,I @cquire the @bility tO dO it even if I didn’t h@ve it in the beginning."

 “If yOu w@nt sOmething re@lly impOrt@nt tO be dOne yOu must nOt merely s@tisfy the re@sOn, yOu must mOve the he@rt @lsO.”

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